ZSS5 E6 Phase 2 P1

18 min read

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NayuSiminova's avatar

Link to last ZSS5 E5 Through Ice and Fire and Bad PassionsLast
THIS HAS MATURE CONTENT IN (Mental warps, bondage, tormentation, sad scenes not meant for young ones to understand, also extreme cussing from a child)
As the 3 beings stood up in Silvina's house Enigma turned to all three.
"Well this is farewell for this time, you two behave yourself. ^~^ Oh and one more thing you two." She said raising a hand with nothing in it bare palm face up. Suddenly her face when dark and shocking electricity went through it as all items in the house floated up as she glared at both S-Prime and Great One harshly saying.
"If I come back and I find out the worlded prematurely I will tell Bugsy but not before I shock you and find some way of tormenting both of you in some form or way! I !!!..."
"Enigma -_-" Great One says to her as her hair falls and all items float back down not even a glass breaking as some float down slowly. S-Prime even rolls her eyes as Enigma groans and raises her hand and a foot an

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As Ethno takes it Silvina tells him this.
"Now inject it into it and everything within the barrier will disintegrate and die." Ethno takes it and goes getting a feeling within him a remembering as he left.
As Salu stays near the barrier Dragoness is outside the barrier trying to break it using her claws.
"Keep trying Dragoness!"
Dragoness then grows to her full height of 2 stories to land on the barrier to break it but nothing works.
Rallow comes up to Salu saying.
"Mr. Scicle says only magical things can break the barrier."
"Okay then Dragoness, enough! Nice try girl, looks as though we'll have to keep these masks on till someone rescues us."
"I wonder where my sister is." Cara said holding the book she was reading as Janis hugs her tightly.
Dragoness then notices and snarls as Ethno approaches with Romar nearby.
Salu stands there as Mark also near tries to understand the situation.
Dragoness gives a great cry

Still in the other world...

Right after Abe left, Great One stood there as Bugsy looked at Nayu nodding as Enigma after catching the moth breathed on it whispering something and walked over to Great One.
"You left that memory in him didn't you."
"Yep." she said as she notices Enigma holding the moth.
Enigma smiles softly and opens her hand revealing a beautiful black butterfly.
"Inner beauty comes in all shapes and forms that are all truly beautiful for anyone to see, one may never understand that. This one believed he was truly ugly and that no one can love an ugly one despite having a black soul, but all souls can be loved no matter the color of it :)" she said as she lifted her hand gently and the butterfly as if in happiness tested its new wings and flapped looking at her then flew off happy at its inner beauty.
"One never knows, what they truly are inside, sometimes all one is, is a beautiful butterfly on the inside that others have taken and turned into a moth."
Nayu watched it then turned to Enigma then down somber sighing.
"Yeah, some people never know." Great One says.
As soon as the Butterfly is gone turned back, but more confident in himself Enigma turns to Great One.
"I believe its time to go."
"Uh..... Enigma if you need me, you had BETTER call me! I MEAN IT! >_<"
":3 I sure will Nayu! Don't worry I've got everything under control!" She says turning and diagonally swiping her hand to open a portal and walking through it as Great One watches groaning as she lays a hand on her face as Bugsy goes to her massaging her neck.
"I feel like I'm going to have to save her god damn tail end AGAIN honey, she's only HALF saiyanlord!"
"She's been doing a good job so far Kitten, all of you have. :)" Great One then looks at Bugsy as he takes her face looking at her.
"Guiding them all and even time itself is no easy task is it?"
"No our love, it is not." Great One says as they kiss and Great One wraps her arms around him as time itself returns to normal revealing a wonderful garden as both fall down delightful sounds coming from both turning into animal sounds.

Back to when Nayu had lept after Silvina and Abe after Romar, Shallow did the same after Sha-ool hoping to defeat him.
"Just a kitten, a child, you cannot hope to defeat me!" Sha-ool says as he stops turning to Shallow and throwing dark flames at her.
Shallow yells as she throws up her staff in an attempt to shield herself from his attack.
Shallow was not sure if she would be able to take on this man as he clapped his hands together doing a dark chant, from his hands came flames black as night forming a dark weapon that looked nothing like the finera.
Shallow thinking of this as an oppurtunity ran as Sha-ool seeing her has to cease in his summoning mad as he dodges and chops the girl in the side hard making Shallow scream as she falls.
"NOW LET ME SUMMON THE DARK WEAPON TO END YOU WITH!" he yelled at her as she struggled to get up and clapped his hands together again doing the dark chant.
Shallow unsure if she wanted him to summon this dark thing turned and yelled.
"GRIFFIN LIGHTNING!" Sending lightning bolts to him as him noticing yet wanting to still keep it dodges while still keeping the chant up as Shallow aimed carefull and then stopped and tossed the staff as a spear right in his way once more ceasing his chant as Sha-ool pissed turned to Shallow and said.
"You are indeed a nuisance! I have learned this from my adopted child, as soon as you are gone, I will use this to rid myself of what is left of my sisters side, and then, I will indeed rule a new clan of Siminova's" As he said this Shallow got up and tried to run to the staff as Sha-ool lifted his hand aiming his finger to her as he spoke Shallow running as fast as she can feeling imminant death with every word he said. But he was timing it so she doesn't make it.
"Death ray." And shot a beam straight at her like a laser making sure it hit her where it counted, Shallows eyes went wide with shock the griffin's staff just beyond her grasp as she fell backwards passing out and falling limp.
Sha-ool walked on to her body.
"Like I said you were just a child, now to join Romar, after Nayu has been humiliated I will kill her and take the finera, but first, to get rid of.. what the? You." He said as Fera had seemed to have been defeated by Foresta who glared at Shallow's form then Sha-ool.
"I never imagined you'd stoop this low Sha-ool, summon your weapon!" She said with the finera firm in her grasp.
"Maybe I should tear the finera from yours instead Foresta?" He said getting into the position as Foresta rushed over to Shallow and nearing it to Shallow's form noticed she was still alive, but barely.
"Fine, lets fight, sister." And while he chanted Foresta now found time to heal Shallow.
"Holy flames of the sacred Finera, heal this child from her wounds." And focusing the flames heals Shallows wounds enough to allow her to survive as she turns to Sha-ool as his dark flames summon a lethal mace with a spiked ball as she stands.
"Brother, what have I done for it to come to this?"
"What have I done?" He said chuckling. "I protected you, Shielded you, SAVED you! Back when we were children, and then you got that weapon did you gain the courage to stand up for yourself, suddenly I was in your shadows, suddenly I felt like I was a dog left out in the cold. FORESTA gets the training today Sha-ool, she's got the Finera, the ancient heirloom of our ancestors! That should have been ME Foresta! I should be the one high and mighty NOT YOU! Suddenly you were the one protecting ME, since when did 'I' need protecting!?"
"So.... you did this.... slaughtered our family, turned evil, because you don't have this? The flames chooses its bearer based on their hearts Sha-ool, never in 300 generations have twins ever beared such ill will to each other! Mother would tell us tales of how our ancestors would fight together, the twins always at peace, helping one another despite the other never bearing that heirloom!"
"Well maybe... there needs to be a change." Sha-ool says as he lunges at Foresta with his mace, Foresta dodges trying to strike as his tail grabs the weapon only to be scorched by its holy flames.
"MAY THE HOLY AAAAAHHHH" Foresta screams as Sha-ool bearing the pain thrusts Foresta to a nearby tree and tosses his mace again at her chest which she blocks with the finera and thrusts back turning and ramming him with her tail across the face spins further to punch him hard.
Sha-ool dizzy from it stands there dazed as he tries to get his bearings Foresta continues to barage him with more attacks to the face and chest and even with kicks and when he finally catches on he grabs her hand but it is too late Foresta uppercuts him under the jaw.
As Sha-ool lays there he pants and Foresta isn't even worn out as she looks at him.
"I'm dissapointed in you brother."
"so am I!" Suddenly his tail wraps around her foot and trips her as Sha-ool leaps into the air and with his mace tries to throw the spiked ball right on her face, Foresta seeing that rolls over just in time as Sha-ool lands and also punches the ground further crushing it.
Shallow's body though is starting to come in danger of being destroyed when all of a sudden both stop as an explosion of ice emerges from a distance catching both their attention.
Sha-ool seeing it glares as Foresta smirks.
"It seems my student, surpasses yours."
Sha-ool and her watch as the ice shards crack and rise into the air as a dragon/lion and tiger anthro are now in fighting, Sha-ool then looks down thinking hard as he watches Romar get beaten up, he then glared as he turned to Foresta.
Foresta glared harder as Sha-ool then tries to run past her which she chases him.
< Unlike before I will not stand helplessly by and let you do such a thing! I SHALL NOT WATCH MY FAMILY DIE AGAIN FOR A THIRD TIME!! > she thinks as she runs even faster and tosses the finera, Sha-ool seeing it dodges as it returns to her and Foresta leaps spinning vertically and digs the finera into the ground once they reach the outside of the forest yelling.
"FINERA GROUND QUAKE!" And slams a bladed end into the ground of the planet causing a quake that makes it open up.
Sha-ool turning back and seeing it knowing it is a big move of the finera hands his weapon to his tail and runs literally on all four legs to try and outrun  the ground opening up below him.
"NO! NO! NOT WHEN I AM SOO CLOSE!!!! I SHALL HAVE WAIT!!!" He said just running as the ground opens up closer and closer to him despite his remarkable speed and then below his feet just as he climbs a tree which causes the tree to enter the chasm him screaming.
"I SHALL RETUUUUUUURRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNN" Echoeing as he vanishes the ground then comes back together as Sha-ool literally vanishes into the void.
Foresta stands there, then collapses panting, as in order to do this power, it takes a lot of ones own power, removing the weapon she pants long and hard then looks up then back to the ice battle happening behind her.
"I'm sorry my mother, but I could not protect.... my brother, from his own darkness....." Standing up taking and taking out the Finera laying it on her shoulder she walks heading back to the barrier.

However, after Silvina had sent Nayu to the ship, she turns to the barrier taking out her communicator.
"everyone come in for phase two, which should only consist of me and Sha-ool, Fera you at point 2?"
Fera who barely survived her encounter come in on her communicator.
"Yes... I'm barely alive though mistress. I'm at point 2, Sha-ool will not be able to do his part, seems as though he was defeated by Foresta."
"I told him, that if he saw that cat not to engage, ugh. Good thing I have backups for all of you anyways, hope you don't take offense to that Fera."
"Didn't take any. Now how are we going to take care of Sha-ool's part?"
"Wait, Ethno? Is Nayu in place?"
"Yes~ And I indeed had some fun she seemed to enjoy it so much all she could do was moan~"
"Shut your trap! Your for a back-up, come over to me to get the drug that is sure to kill them all. Fera, get phase 2 going would you please?~"
"Yes Mistress."

As everyone in the barrier tried to escape Mark continued to try and find a way out looking through spell books Rallow went to him carrying Mr. Scicle with her.
"Rallow! Can Mr. Scicle help?" He asked as she let him down to hop to him, he hopped right onto the desk shaking a no, doing motions thinking hard doing motions he took Marks pen writing something.
"the only way to stop this dark barrier is from the outside! That is why I cannot help this time, Gomenasai."
"I see... what can help if we did." Mark asks.
"The barrier was created with dark magic." he writes on one paper.
"Only someone from the outside with a more powerful stronger magic can break it."
"Can't we use chemicals?"
Mr. scicle then pounded his chain against the desk.
"this magic can only be broken using stronger magic!!!" he writes furiously.
"Okay okay, don't scratch the desk its a rare wood given by my father."
" :/ " Mr. Scicle then goes to the leg and with his chain gives it a nick
"I think I find it very petty you two men are fighting over a piece of wood. o-o." Rallow says as Mark Anthony glares as Mr. Scicle nods to Rallow and hops to her as she bends over and picks him up.
"When your done giving a history lesson Mr. Anthony, I think I hear something happening outside. o-o." Rallow says turning and leaving.
Petty men fights. by NayuSiminova

As Salu watches a racoon saiyan approaches them.
"HEY! wasn't Foresta going to kick your ass! HEY! Hey you uh... what are you.... wait!" Salu says as Fera approaches ignoring everything Salu says and places something on the barrier and says placing a hand on it.
"I inject this spell to kill all within, destroy them all with the powerful gas!"
Salu then runs as a gas is emitted into the barrier killing all the plantlife it touches.
"GET GAS MASKS!!! NOW!!!" She yells as she runs literally into the house, outrunning the gas which is going at medium speed and grabs gas masks from her pirating days and puts it on as she runs to find the others who are surprised as she goes to Mark yelling.
"WHAT!? Yeah, well, I mainly keep them for souveniers and uh..."
"OKAY! GEEZ!" Mark said as he goes to his collection of stuff and gets them out and hands them to her.
"They work but I was hoping to use them for a pa..." Before he could finish she was out as she yells.
as the gas kills more things Cara is in the room as Janis tells her a story about a master thief who had to pose as a king for a day known as great one in disguise when the door is busted open Salu demanding them to put on the masks.
As she tries to find the last of them Rallow she can't find her anywhere until she looks outside to find her body collapsed on the ground where the gas is.
"SHIT! RALLOW!!! NO!" And literally runs outside praying she is in time to put on the mask as apparently her scicle one more possessed her to try to save her life again and put it into doll mode as she puts the mask on she looks at the weapon and allows the body to breath saving Rallows life.
Fera outside the barrier glares at her, and takes out her communicator.
"Phase 2, part 1 complete."
"Well I'm hoping one or two deaths, how many are there Fera?"
"I see, well the next part will definitely wipe them out, please clear the area Fera, Ethno will definitely be there soon to complete phase 2 completely."

((Sorry I could not finish this either before my big trip ))

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Roxas-Dan94's avatar
I like it, Annie.
How're you doing?